Solomon, Holly and Beasley win HPD 3-Person Scramble

The team of Pete Solomon, Micah Holly and Ben Beasley won the HPD 3-Person Scramble conducted on Friday, July 17, 2020 at the Headland Country Club.  They shot 56 and won on regression over the team of Tim Granberry, Mark Bristow and John Phipps who also shot 56.  Mark Barnes, Roger Hussey and Early who shot 58 and won on regression over the team of Cummings, Cummings and Brackin.

Chief Mark Jones and the Headland Police Department appreciate all those who turned out to support HPD.  Nic Boatwright was tournament Director.

2020 07 17 HPD 3 Person Scramble Result
20200718_173019 20200717_124339 20200717_123404 20200717_123155 20200717_123152 20200717_123150 20200717_123137 20200717_123121 20200717_123119 20200717_123102 20200717_123058 20200717_123045