Judson Baptist Association “Drive Out Hunger” Golf Tournament

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Headland:​ The course was full of golfers at the Headland Country Club on Saturday, August 27, 2016 to raise money for the Judson Baptist Association “Drive Out Hunger” campaign.​   The winning team with a score of ​-18 under par was ​​Kevin Slay, Kevin Jones and Nick Dillard. Shooting -16 under par was the 2nd place team of Jeff Ward, Mack Senn and Jerry Hardy.  Third place with a score of -14 was ​​Caleb Bristow, Lowell Bristow and Bryan Byrd​​.  ​Caleb Bristow won the Closest to the Pin award and Kevin Woodham won the Long Drive award.​

The Judson Baptist Association and the Headland Country Club wishes to thank all of the participants who came out to support this effort as well as enjoy a day of fellowship!

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